Green Hydration Smoothie

This smoothie is lovely and fresh. 

The combination is great to get your greens in and also great hydration properties. Awesome smoothie for first thing in the morning.

If you don't like kale or it doesn't agree with you, swap it out for spinach. Fresh or frozen is fine. Also if you want it really creamy and they aren't too expensive, add half an avocado yum!

1 cup of kale
5 mint leaves
1 banana
2 inches cucumber
1 teaspoon grated ginger
A squeeze of lime juice
1 teaspoon chia seeds


  1. Blend together and serve. I add the chia seeds straight into the glass.
  2. Enjoy


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Lifestyle Home Health
Lifestyle, things around the home and healthy living. I like to create things that don't require purchasing lots of different ingredients. As always please let me know if you have made a swap that tastes amazing. I love changing recipes to suit availability of foods, this way eating well can still be affordable.